Marshmallow "Marshy loves hanging out in his cozy-o while I clean!" @marshmallowthehoggie ---Small Crochet Blue Cozy-O---

Marshmallow "Marshy loves hanging out in his cozy-o while I clean!" @marshmallowthehoggie ---Medium Crochet Light Purple Cozy-O---

Pici "Its a great place to hide when I’m not in my sand!" @pestothegecko ---Medium Crochet Light Purple Cozy-O---

Maizey Elotes "Maizey LOVES the security of feeling enclosed while still being out and about. She really likes watching TV with us - body safely coiled, head sticking out!" @B._excelsus ---Small Crochet Yellow Cozy-O---

Echo "He loves being able to sit somewhere cosy outside his tank and watch things" @xabbyhxx ---XL Crochet Taupe Cozy-O---

Echo What does Echo love most about their Cozy-O? "Makes him feel safe and more comfortable" Extra Large Crochet Cozy-O @xabbyhxx ---XL Crochet Taupe Cozy-O---

Irwin "We love spending time with Irwin in her Cozy-O, it’s a nice soft and secure place for her to chill while she’s out of her enclosure. She can easily hang out in our lap or around our neck if we’re doing work around the house!" ---Large Crochet Purple Cozy-O---

Irwin "We love spending time with Irwin in her Cozy-O, it’s a nice soft and secure place for her to chill while she’s out of her enclosure. She can easily hang out in our lap or around our neck if we’re doing work around the house!" ---Large Crochet Purple Cozy-O---

Noodle What does Noodle love about her Cozy-O? "The size, comfort and stunning color " @19Selfmade96 ---Large Crochet Teal Cozy-O---

Castiel "Being able to feel safe and chill out somewhere other than his main house" @VirtuallyEnigmatic ---Large Crochet Black Cozy-O---

Abbadon What does Abbadon love most about their Cozy-O? "Being able to relax and not always trying to "run" " @VirtuallyEnigmatic ---Large Crochet Black Cozy-O---

Maizey Elotes "Maizey LOVES the security of feeling enclosed while still being out and about. She really likes watching TV with us - body safely coiled, head sticking out!" @B._excelsus ---Small Crochet Yellow Cozy-O---

CC What does CC love most about their Cozy-O? "Being snug as a bug under a rug 😊" @Colubrid_n_crew ---Small Crochet Teal Cozy-O---

Tupac Shakur "Tupac loves the comfort of his Cozy-O. He can be on my lap without being cold or scared. " @llola.reed ---Medium Crochet Light Purple Cozy-O---

Tupac Shakur "Tupac loves the comfort of his Cozy-O. He can be on my lap without being cold or scared. " @llola.reed ---Medium Crochet Light Purple Cozy-O---

Levi "He loves hiding and watching!" @alexisober ---Medium Crochet Blue Cozy-O---

Sashimi "She loves how soft and snuggly it is!" @ittybittyreptilecommittee ---Medium Crochet Teal Cozy-O---

Sashimi "She loves how soft and snuggly it is!" @ittybittyreptilecommittee ---Medium Crochet Teal Cozy-O---

Kitten What does Kitten love most about their Cozy-O? "it's stretchy enough that he can roll into a ball inside it if he wants to and feel really tight and cosy" @_.baltic ---Medium Crochet Teal Cozy-O---